The 2024-25 District Grant Cycle has begun. Please carefully review the following guidelines, as some of the requirements and procedures may have changed.
Rotaract Clubs may now apply for District Grants on their own.
Getting Started
- Project must fall under one of the 7 Areas of Focus:
- Peacebuilding & Conflict Prevention;
- Water, Sanitation & Hygiene;
- Basic Education & Literacy;
- Disease Prevention & Treatment;
- Maternal & Child Health;
- Community Economic Development, or
- Supporting the Environment
- Grant funds cannot be used for:
- Reimbursement of existing projects;
- Salaries, stipends or any periodic payments;
- Capital construction or major renovations; or
- Operating expenses of an organization.
- Clubs must complete this checklist before applying:
- Your Club President, or the Club Rotary Foundation Chair, or any member designated by your President must have attended the District Grant Management Seminar either on Saturday 10 August 2024 OR on Tuesday, 20 August 2024. AND
- Your Club must have entered 13 goals for 2024-25 on Rotary Club Central, AND
- Your Club must have entered the names of your Club President, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Rotary Foundation Chair, and Club Membership Chair in the Club Executives Section of your Club on the District 7230 website, AND
- Your Club must be in compliance with Rotary Public Image guidelines on your publicity materials, AND
- Your Club must have paid the RI July 2024 and January 2024 District invoices in full, AND
- Your Club must not have any overdue reports for Global or prior-year District Grants.
- Grant total budget can be from a minimum of $1,000 to no maximum. However, the maximum matching District grant will be $2,000. Your Club may receive less than the amount you requested, depending on the total amount of District Grants funds available and the number of grant applications received.
- Clubs can submit more than one application, but they will only be considered if there are any funds remaining for allocation.
- Joint grants with other District 7230 clubs are allowed in special cases. Contact Grants Sub-Committee Chair Mahbub Ahmad for details.
- Rotaract Clubs only: Rotaract Clubs may be provided with an advance of up to 50% of the District Matching Grant amount to help them get started with their project. Example: Rotaract Club A submits a project application with a total budget of $2,000. The Club would need to provide $1,000 and the District would match it. The Rotaract Club can request an advance of up to $500. Once the project is completed and all required documentation is submitted, the remaining $500 of the District Matching portion will be disbursed.
- If your grant-funded project will take place outside the USA, special requirements apply. Please contact the Grants Sub-Committee for more details.
How to Submit a Grant Application
Do Not Submit Application Unless Club Is “Grant Certified”
The total amount in District grants available to Clubs for 2024-25 is approximately $30,000.
- All grant applications must be submitted at See How To guide on right sidebar
- Complete the online application & immediately upload the duly signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Your Application will be virus-checked and will be published. The status will change to "Published". Next, the system will initiate an e-signature process by which you, your Club President, and your Club Rotary Foundation Chair, each will get an email with a link and a 4-digit code. Click on the link then enter your 4-digit code to e-sign your Project. Once everyone has signed, the project status will change to "Signed." At this stage, if you have uploaded your signed MoU, your project will move to the Review Committee's inbox. YOUR PROJECT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED UNTIL THE SIGNED MOU IS UPLOADED AND THE E-SIGNATURE PROCESS IS COMPLETED.
- The deadline to complete all of the above is 20 September, 2024.
- Clubs will be notified about the status of their grant application by 20 October, 2024.
- Project deadline is 30 May, 2025 (this includes receipts & Final Report).
- In evaluating grant applications, the District Grants Subcommittee will consider the number of people benefitting from the project, the number of club members involved with the project & whether the project can be completed by 30 May 2025.
How to Proceed with Your Approved Grant
- Clubs must obtain written approval from the District Grants Subcommittee for any proposed changes to the approved project description or budget.
- Clubs must document all project expenditures consistent with the project budget.
- Clubs must upload all project documentation to matchinggrants,org under their project.
- Clubs must retain all project documentation for a minimum of five years.
- If the District Grants Subcommittee determines that the project will not be completed within the approved budget & timetable, the grant may be revised or rescinded.
- Clubs must follow the rules & regulations set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
How to Get Reimbursed
The District Grants Subcommittee of the District Rotary Foundation Committee will process requests for grant funds as a reimbursement for approved project expenses incurred after the date the grant is approved and only after the project has been completed and the Final Report has been submitted and approved.
- Final Report and Project receipts must be uploaded into the Documents Section of your grant application on the website by May 30, 2025.
- Project Progress Report must be uploaded by February 15, 2025.
- Your July 2024 and January 2024 RI and District Invoices MUST be paid in full in order to receive your reimbursement check.
- The District intends to disburse all grant funds by June 30, 2025. If required conditions are not met, reimbursement may not be possible.
Contact PDG Mahbub Ahmad (District Grants Subcommittee Chair) @ 914-509-2644 or
The 2024 Grant Certification Seminars took place via Zoom on. :
Saturday 10 August 2024
Tuesday, 20 August 2024.
Registration and Attendance at one of these seminars is a pre-requisite for Grant Application.
Missed both seminars??
Please contact Grants Subcommittee Chair
For alternate ways to qualify
Submit Grant Application
Upload Mou
Upload Project documents
Enter Goals (or your Club's ClubRunner website)
Enter Club Officers
Mark your calendar for these important dates:
10 Aug.: Grants Certification Seminar (option 1)
20 Aug.: Grants Certification Seminar (option 2)
20 Sept.: District Grant Application deadline
25 Sept.: District Grants Comm. Reviews Applications
20 Oct.: Announcement of District Grants Awards
25 Oct.: Confirmation by Rotary Foundation of approvals
25 Oct.: Project expenses can begin to be incurred
30 May 2025: Project must be completed & Final Report submitted.
Contact PDG Mahbub Ahmad
(District Grants Subcommittee Chair)
914-509-2644 or